Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why do slaves defend their captors?

The followers of dark paths do not have the monopoly on spiritual laws'.

Word. What gives them their power is keeping the truth about the spiritual laws hidden. That's all 'occult' means - knowledge of the hidden.

Kinda off-topic heh, I have a great retro video game, called The Longest Journey, and basically, the storyline is about two worlds split into Science and Magic. The end-game is to bring the two factions back together, as each cannot survive without the other; to restore the Balance, so to speak.

Anyhoo, our modern world has been conned into thinking all that exists is what the media tells us, that the spirit world does not exist - save for entertainment purposes and charlatanry - we are 5-sense creatures, conned into subservience to our demi-gods - oops, I mean, politicians and 'blue'-bloods (the bluebloods are another discussion!). My point about the game is, I just found it an accurate reflection of what's happening here - we peasants have been pushed into one half of knowing, while those that control have access to all knowledge. But it cannot be contained and we are reclaiming what is rightfully ours to be whole.

It was discussed a little while ago about the monkey experiment - I forget the details, but whenever a monkey reached for a banana high on a post in the centre of the room, they would be hosed down and the other monkeys would set upon the single one, to save being hosed, I guess. Gradually, each monkey would be replaced with a new one, and eventually, the scientists did not need to reprimand the monkey - the others would take care of it. Even when none of the original monkey were in the cage. It's like how humans keep one another in line, without even knowing why they defend the slave owner.

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